09 August 2012

Overcoming excuses and other reasons for putting IT off

   It’s been a few weeks since I emailed the first draft of my Master’s project proposal to my three committee members at Kent State.
   While I waited for feedback, I updated the syllabus, course policy manual and the first two assignments for the Intro to Photojournalism course I teach at Owens Community College in Toledo. I also created a simple Prezi tutorial.
This is my first Prezi tutorial. I will build on it as ideas come to me.
   Since the prep work for my Intro to PJ class is done, it’s now time to focus on the Master’s project once again. 
   The first draft of the entire paper is due Sept. 15 and I’ve yet to begin editing the proposal paper. But it’s still summer, and I have two kids who need attention, and a full-time job, and I just bought a new RV, and I'm totally into watching Breaking Bad on Netflix! The excuses keep piling up.
   I cannot let those hurdles stop me from getting this done! I’ve worked too hard for five long years. So, every time I feel compelled to delay the inevitable, I remind myself that if I don’t do this now, I will become a statistic. Did you know that lots of grad students don’t graduate because they don’t finish their final Master’s project or thesis? How many you ask? Sorry, but if you want to know a definitive answer, look it up. I don’t have time.
   I don’t want to be a statistic. But more importantly, I want my kids to see me  
walk up on that stage in cap and gown wearing Honors Society cords. They need to witness the final reward of sticking to something you started, and that hard work pays off.
   So after I write this I’m going to watch a few more episodes for Season 2 of Breaking Bad*. After all, next week I will be too busy working on my research paper to watch TV.

*(Update: I'm not proud to report as of Aug. 29, I'm up to Season 5/Espisode 2)

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