01 May 2009

The Unemployed

   Thousands showed up to a job fair hosted by The Blade and WTOL today. They stood in line for hours, and I felt almost guilty flaunting my employment status as I stalked the long line with two Canon Mark IIs and a Canon F100 video camera mounted on a tripod. 
   It was no secret I was a news photographer. A few job seekers hid their faces when I came near, but most were quite pleasant and seemed eager to share their resumes with hopeful employers inside the Lucas County Rec Center. Now that's optimism!
   I began my morning at sunrise documenting the last shift of Jeep workers on Stickney Ave. Bankruptcy temporarily took their jobs away. So, between Jeep workers losing their jobs and job seekers turning out in the thousands, well, I'm feeling both lucky and sad. 
   What is happening? We are all on the verge of experiencing a 21st Century Great Depression. Hold on to your savings, cuz it's gonna be a bumpy ride... 

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