14 February 2013

Craving the need to turn blank slates into finished products

   This morning I had a very strong urge to want to create my own newspaper.
   It's not a new feeling. For a long time now I've been missing the glory days when I was a military newspaper editor responsible for planning and designing an end product. I loved the challenge of turning blank slates into finished publications. Back then I wrote stories on typewriters and shot black and white film, and the editing tools were whiz wheels, pica poles, reduced-sized dummy sheets and fingers (used to count headline sizes).
   This urge was so overwhelming that I drove straight to the Owens Bookstore before my 9 a.m. class and bought the Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard for Educators.  I bought the suite for InDesign CS6, which replaces the old-fashioned design tools from the 20th Century.
   I have no idea what I'll end up doing with my new purchase, but I constantly crave to tell stories and place them on a page.
   One good example of what can be done is J. Bruce Baumann's Posey Magazine.  He is an experienced photojournalist who created this magazine "for and about Posey County, Indiana."  I'm certainly not capable of being that ambitious, but I'm still inspired by his own need to tell stories for the love of it.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Lori. I know the feeling of wanting to create something out of nothing or making blank pages full. I think of this in terms of helping my students find their voices too. I hope you enjoy using the creative suite; there's a lot to learn and play with. Enjoy!
